Wednesday, January 4, 2012

this is going to be random

"I believe that happiest girls are the prettiest girls"
I feel like lately i have been getting really mad really easily and i need to stop! I feel like i've wasted too much time and energy on petty things. I've started to realize some things though, and maybe now i can stop stressing the small stuff!
Anywho, I'm getting married in 8 months...craaazzzyyyy. Time is flying and i should probably start doing some more planning...Just realized that. I don't know what to do next?! I need a free wedding planner, like full time wedding planner that doubles as a dishwasher and a clothes folder/pickerupper and a gym buddy for me. I NEED A GYM BUDDY! I need some more motivation to get up and do something! I actually want to, I just dont want to go alone. I wonder if there is a gym buddy profile, like for gym buddies. Hmm...doubt it. Bummer.
Meh, anyways.
Life lesson of the day: don't get too worked up about the small stuff and you will look prettier.
things to do: blog more, find a personal free wedding planner, find a gym buddy and drink more water.

Told you this would be random.


  1. Wellll, I can't be a full time wedding planner, but I do like to help with anything I can! And I'm kinda far to be a gym buddy, but we should start doing workouts at home like Pilates on Netflix. K, lets do it :)

  2. YES! pilates, and maybe linedancing would be a goood workout... lol ;)
