Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Its been a while

I've been saying for like a week i need to write a new blog! SO i am. :)
Nothing very exciting has been happening, just working a lot, and working out a lot too! Erin has been joining me at the gym, we've been going 5-6 nights a week! We are very proud of ourselves! Working out just makes you feel so much better in general. Even if we just go for thirty minutes, it makes me feel so awesome.

I'm just so excited for the wedding, its getting so close. Speaking of wedding, Mckenzie is going to be a bridesmaid for me! I'm soooooo excited :) I can't imagine her not being in our wedding now, we've become such good friends.
Its nice having good people in your life. People who actually care about you and want to be a good friend to you too. I got so sick of trying so hard to make friendships work that its just completely pointless now. The people i want in my life are here for a reason, and if you aren't in my life anymore, well there is probably a reason for that too.
"The only people you need in your life are the ones who need you in theirs."-Unknown
Loveee this quote so much because it is sooo true.
Anyways, enough negative nancy stuff.
Wedding stuff is getting very exciting however. I picked out the save-the-date cards I want to order, and FinALLY decided what i want to do for centerpieces. Bridesmaid dresses are also officially picked out, we're trying to decide on shoes though. Too many choices!
We also decided that we want to go to Jamaica on our honeymoon! We're looking into a resort called, Sunset Jamaica Grade. Sounds fancy, huh ;) Not really, but I'm very excited.

Clinton mailed in his application for the Wind academy today. we're both so very nervous. Big changes in store for us if he gets accepted, which i know he will!  I would like to move to colorado, or texas, either or. He literally mailed away our future though. If he gets accepted, everything will work out just as planned. If he does not, well, we havent thought about that yet. I dont want to think about that anyways!

Well, that is all.
Life lesson of the day/weeks: Don't let others bring me down
Things to do: Remove unwanted items and or unnecessary things/people from my life..officially

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thats me :) It is nice having people that are nice and actually care about your life! Thanks for being such a good friend :) I am SO excited for your big day!!!
