Sunday, January 8, 2012



  [ri-spekt]  Show IPA

9. :to hold in esteem or honor: I cannot respect a cheat.
to show regard or consideration for: to respect someone'srights.
to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with: to respect aperson's privacy.
to relate or have reference to. 

Being respectful is one of the biggest things i have learned over the past couple years. I have no respect for people that do not respect others and have no consideration for those around them. Respect those you love and those who care for you.
I just cannot understand how people can live their lives the way they do, Disrespectfully and inconsiderately. just boggles my mind. UGH! well, i guess thats all i have to say about that.

Today clinton and I had a chat about living for a very long time. Our health is now going to be our #1 priority. Being healthy has become one of the most important things to me now. I seriously never want to die, and if I do, I WILL die a healthy woman. I also don't ever want Clinton to die, and if he does, he WILL die a healthy man as well. Our bodies are what make us alive, and without them...we wouldn't exist. (ovbiously) So why don't we treat our bodies with respect as well. Now, I'm certainly not saying I'm never going to sit on a couch all day once in a while, or eat a piece of chocolate, OR give up my favorite food ever, pizza, BUT i am saying I'm not going to let a couch, or chocolate or pizza catch up with me and kill me. I have become very passionate about this and feel very determined to live forever...literally.

Mckenzie and I went to the gym last night, and Erin and I went today. I probably won't be able to lift my arms or legs tomorrow! Good thing i don't have to cut hair all day! Hopefully I won't be too sore too long, getting back into shape is hard work! But it feels great, I actually like feeling sore! Makes me feel accomplished!

Life lesson of the day : Eat your broccoli so you can live forever.
things to do: eat a banana(for soreness) and Live forever.

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