Tuesday, January 3, 2012

staying positive

about a month ago i started what I call, a lifestyle change. No, not a diet. Diets dont work! I changed the way i ate, how much i ate and my attitude about my body, PERMANENTLY. Diets to me are only temporary.

About a year ago my lifestyle changed, and it wasnt a good change. I stopped playing softball and everything that came along with it-working out daily, pitching, etc and started beauty school. Basically i sat in a classroom for 7 hours a day for 18 weeks straight and ate chineese food from the mall every other day. not a good change. I gained quite a bit of weight and was very unhappy with myself. That so was not like me! i Loveeeeee working out and have always ate pretty well. My family always cooked good meals and we rarely ate out.

my pity party for myself lasted until about august and i really (thought i) decided i needed to "diet." Yea, that didnt work. lasted about a week.
December 1st i started to change my lifestyle. Its actually working. I eat half as much as i used to and don't snack in between meals. I'm also only weighing myself once a month. I felt when i would weigh myself i just get discouraged because i didnt lose 10lbs in 3 days and would give up.

so anyways, december went well! I weighed myself this morning and i was down 5lbs. Not too bad considering how hard it had been for me. I was actually pretty proud of myself because thats more than i have ever lost, and i certainly didnt gain! Next time i weigh in will be January 31st, Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Tarah! Its Cousin Drew - randomly bored at work and saw your blog on facebook! Keep up the good work! Blogs are a great form of therapy and a great way to vent your frustrations of the world! I try to keep a journal often and I find it very relaxing and its also fun to look back on where you were at in months/years past.

    I look forward to reading more - keep it up!
