Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Today i am happy. I weighed myself, 8 lbs down this month! 13lb altogether!
Exercising is the best thing in the world. I feel so motivated and accomplished. Most importantly, I'm healthy.
The biggest thing that i can honsetly say is helping me is the fact that i am NOT dieting. I changed my lifestyle and my mentality about the food going into my body and the butt sitting on the couch. I never want to go backwards, I'm always going to keep moving forward. Having good supportive people in my life makes it all easier too. Encouragement and support from my best friends, amazing man and perfect family have certainly played a huge role in my success so far.
Such a happy blog today! I'm just SO excited!! :)

Life lesson of the day: hard work pays off
Things to do: KEEP IT UP! :)

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