Thursday, January 5, 2012

nothing important

Yesterday i stumbled apon another blog, "runs for cookies," and I LOVEE her. She is such an inspiration! Everyone should follow her blog, even if you're a skinny girl ;)
I found a gym buddy! My bestest friend Erin will be joining me! She is also very motivating and needs to make her own blog. 
I don't really have a lot to blog about tonight, maybe thats a good thing. Seems like my first few blogs were out of anger so maybe now that i dont have a lot to blog about i'm happy today! I was in a pretty good mood all day actually. Nice clients, no crabby panties today. I didn't sell any product at work though! (thats not a good thing if you didn't know.) And i also didn't do any color :( Doing more color was my goal for the month, so if you need you're hair colored/highlighted-come see me! Overall pretty good day and nothing to complain about :)

life lesson of the day: Happy people are better people
Things to do:drink more water, (again!) and sell more product and upsell more color.

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