Wednesday, April 18, 2012

JUST fyi

I havent blogged in forevverrr but i feel the need to!

Just to inform people who care, or to the people who may or may not be judging me. Not that i really care, well...i guess i do care if i feel the need to blog about it. But anyways...
I am not working out and trying to get back into shape because i am getting married. Ovbiously i want to look great for my wedding, and of course im trying to look my best...but i would still be trying hard and busting my butt regardless. I honestly love fitness. Everything about it is so fascinating and SO exciting to me. Seeing how your body can change and what its potential is, is just so amazing to me. I eventually want to enter a figure competition, And i also want to be a personal trainer. I will eventually get my body back to what it was and a million times better than what it was.
I guess my whole point of this blog was to complain about how i hate the brides that just workout and eat properly right before their wedding, and then as soon as theyre hitched they go right back to their old ways. I WILL NOT be that bride. My goals go above and beyond September 8th and i will achieve all of them some day. maybe not next month, or next year...but hopefully within the next 5 years :)

"That voice inside your head saying you can't do this is a liar"

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentines Day. Pessimists, please read.

FIRST of all, I am not saying any of this because i have a significant other, I would have these opinions regardless.
I get SO sick of hearing people say how much they HATE valentines day because we should celebrate love for each other everyday no matter what. I think its so stupid because there are other holidays just like this, only not about love. valentines day has turned into such a bitter holiday because of all the single people in the world. Well guess what, you have to love someone in your life, whether its your mom or dad, husband or wife, brother or sister, or even your freaking cat or dog. Sure, it is about mushy romance, but thats because halmark makes it like that. It doesnt even matter though. When you walk down the card isle you dont see cards just for husbands/wives or significant other. They have cards for Mom and Dad, Sister, someone special and even close friends.
How about our birthdays? what is your birthday for exactly? celebrating life? hmm, thats weird..shouldnt we celebrate our lives every day, not JUST our birthday? same thing with love, just a different holiday.  Or how about veterans day, shouldn't we celebrate our veterans and pray and thank them every day?
See, all these holidays are no different from one another. The pessimistic, single, grumpy people make valentines day so horrible for themselves.
My dad would even give me a small valentines gift when i was younger. So again, I am NOT saying any of this because i have a significant other in my life.
I love valentines day because i love love, in any form it comes.

Life lesson of the day: ignore the bullcrap
Things to do : Love more <3

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Today i am happy. I weighed myself, 8 lbs down this month! 13lb altogether!
Exercising is the best thing in the world. I feel so motivated and accomplished. Most importantly, I'm healthy.
The biggest thing that i can honsetly say is helping me is the fact that i am NOT dieting. I changed my lifestyle and my mentality about the food going into my body and the butt sitting on the couch. I never want to go backwards, I'm always going to keep moving forward. Having good supportive people in my life makes it all easier too. Encouragement and support from my best friends, amazing man and perfect family have certainly played a huge role in my success so far.
Such a happy blog today! I'm just SO excited!! :)

Life lesson of the day: hard work pays off
Things to do: KEEP IT UP! :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sparkly Wine glass

Last night we got bored and decided to glitter our wine glasses. 
We went to target and bought cheap glasses, $2.99 each, modge podge and glitter!

We just painted the modge podge on the BOTTOM of the glass, sprinkled the glitter and then let it dry! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Its been a while

I've been saying for like a week i need to write a new blog! SO i am. :)
Nothing very exciting has been happening, just working a lot, and working out a lot too! Erin has been joining me at the gym, we've been going 5-6 nights a week! We are very proud of ourselves! Working out just makes you feel so much better in general. Even if we just go for thirty minutes, it makes me feel so awesome.

I'm just so excited for the wedding, its getting so close. Speaking of wedding, Mckenzie is going to be a bridesmaid for me! I'm soooooo excited :) I can't imagine her not being in our wedding now, we've become such good friends.
Its nice having good people in your life. People who actually care about you and want to be a good friend to you too. I got so sick of trying so hard to make friendships work that its just completely pointless now. The people i want in my life are here for a reason, and if you aren't in my life anymore, well there is probably a reason for that too.
"The only people you need in your life are the ones who need you in theirs."-Unknown
Loveee this quote so much because it is sooo true.
Anyways, enough negative nancy stuff.
Wedding stuff is getting very exciting however. I picked out the save-the-date cards I want to order, and FinALLY decided what i want to do for centerpieces. Bridesmaid dresses are also officially picked out, we're trying to decide on shoes though. Too many choices!
We also decided that we want to go to Jamaica on our honeymoon! We're looking into a resort called, Sunset Jamaica Grade. Sounds fancy, huh ;) Not really, but I'm very excited.

Clinton mailed in his application for the Wind academy today. we're both so very nervous. Big changes in store for us if he gets accepted, which i know he will!  I would like to move to colorado, or texas, either or. He literally mailed away our future though. If he gets accepted, everything will work out just as planned. If he does not, well, we havent thought about that yet. I dont want to think about that anyways!

Well, that is all.
Life lesson of the day/weeks: Don't let others bring me down
Things to do: Remove unwanted items and or unnecessary things/people from my life..officially

Sunday, January 8, 2012



  [ri-spekt]  Show IPA

9. :to hold in esteem or honor: I cannot respect a cheat.
to show regard or consideration for: to respect someone'srights.
to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with: to respect aperson's privacy.
to relate or have reference to. 

Being respectful is one of the biggest things i have learned over the past couple years. I have no respect for people that do not respect others and have no consideration for those around them. Respect those you love and those who care for you.
I just cannot understand how people can live their lives the way they do, Disrespectfully and inconsiderately. just boggles my mind. UGH! well, i guess thats all i have to say about that.

Today clinton and I had a chat about living for a very long time. Our health is now going to be our #1 priority. Being healthy has become one of the most important things to me now. I seriously never want to die, and if I do, I WILL die a healthy woman. I also don't ever want Clinton to die, and if he does, he WILL die a healthy man as well. Our bodies are what make us alive, and without them...we wouldn't exist. (ovbiously) So why don't we treat our bodies with respect as well. Now, I'm certainly not saying I'm never going to sit on a couch all day once in a while, or eat a piece of chocolate, OR give up my favorite food ever, pizza, BUT i am saying I'm not going to let a couch, or chocolate or pizza catch up with me and kill me. I have become very passionate about this and feel very determined to live forever...literally.

Mckenzie and I went to the gym last night, and Erin and I went today. I probably won't be able to lift my arms or legs tomorrow! Good thing i don't have to cut hair all day! Hopefully I won't be too sore too long, getting back into shape is hard work! But it feels great, I actually like feeling sore! Makes me feel accomplished!

Life lesson of the day : Eat your broccoli so you can live forever.
things to do: eat a banana(for soreness) and Live forever.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Basic cable

Basic cable is STUPID!
So last week Charter calls me and tells me My 6 month special is up next month. i will no longer get my internet for $29.99 and it will go up to $44.99. She then tells me that i can add on basic cable to that for the same exact price so OVBIOULSY i did it. I was going to have to pay 44 dollars anyways, why not get cable too.
Well the Tech came tonight and installed it and its dumb. I thought we would at LEAST get ESPN, but instead we get the jewelry channel. yay...

I had a GREAT day at work though. 4 combo tickets! (thats good) AND sold $99 in product! (also good)
I felt like i was in beauty school for a minute though. I did my first perm and shampoo set since i've been out of beauty school! I missed the old ladies, they're the best :) They always tell me time goes faster when you get older and i sure hope thats not true. time goes too fast as it is!

I hear girl scouts are making a new cookie...100 years strong apparently! go girl scouts. too bad i only like tagalongs and thin mints. and too bad i don't ever eat cookies.

Life lesson of the Day: Don't blink, apparently time goes THAT fast
things to do: go grocery shopping and have more good days :)