Wednesday, April 18, 2012

JUST fyi

I havent blogged in forevverrr but i feel the need to!

Just to inform people who care, or to the people who may or may not be judging me. Not that i really care, well...i guess i do care if i feel the need to blog about it. But anyways...
I am not working out and trying to get back into shape because i am getting married. Ovbiously i want to look great for my wedding, and of course im trying to look my best...but i would still be trying hard and busting my butt regardless. I honestly love fitness. Everything about it is so fascinating and SO exciting to me. Seeing how your body can change and what its potential is, is just so amazing to me. I eventually want to enter a figure competition, And i also want to be a personal trainer. I will eventually get my body back to what it was and a million times better than what it was.
I guess my whole point of this blog was to complain about how i hate the brides that just workout and eat properly right before their wedding, and then as soon as theyre hitched they go right back to their old ways. I WILL NOT be that bride. My goals go above and beyond September 8th and i will achieve all of them some day. maybe not next month, or next year...but hopefully within the next 5 years :)

"That voice inside your head saying you can't do this is a liar"