Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentines Day. Pessimists, please read.

FIRST of all, I am not saying any of this because i have a significant other, I would have these opinions regardless.
I get SO sick of hearing people say how much they HATE valentines day because we should celebrate love for each other everyday no matter what. I think its so stupid because there are other holidays just like this, only not about love. valentines day has turned into such a bitter holiday because of all the single people in the world. Well guess what, you have to love someone in your life, whether its your mom or dad, husband or wife, brother or sister, or even your freaking cat or dog. Sure, it is about mushy romance, but thats because halmark makes it like that. It doesnt even matter though. When you walk down the card isle you dont see cards just for husbands/wives or significant other. They have cards for Mom and Dad, Sister, someone special and even close friends.
How about our birthdays? what is your birthday for exactly? celebrating life? hmm, thats weird..shouldnt we celebrate our lives every day, not JUST our birthday? same thing with love, just a different holiday.  Or how about veterans day, shouldn't we celebrate our veterans and pray and thank them every day?
See, all these holidays are no different from one another. The pessimistic, single, grumpy people make valentines day so horrible for themselves.
My dad would even give me a small valentines gift when i was younger. So again, I am NOT saying any of this because i have a significant other in my life.
I love valentines day because i love love, in any form it comes.

Life lesson of the day: ignore the bullcrap
Things to do : Love more <3